Is CBD psychoactive?

Is CBD psychoactive? The straight answer is no — CBD oil does not cause euphoric effects and will not cause you to feel intoxicated. 

Although CBD oil is psychoactive in a more general sense (its beneficial effects also affect the brain), CBD is not intoxicating. A substance is considered intoxicating if it markedly alters one’s perception or changes one’s ability to make decisions. CBD oil is non-intoxicating, so it won’t impair your ability to go about your day or make decisions as you usually would. Keep reading to learn more about CBD and how it affects you after use.

Why Is CBD Non-Psychoactive?

Consumer curiosity around CBD’s psychoactive effects (or lack thereof) is understandable. After all, CBD is classified as a cannabinoid — and one of the most famous cannabinoids of all time, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is known for its psychoactive effects. While both cannabinoids are found in the cannabis sativa plant and bind with endocannabinoid receptors in the body’s cells, the similarities mostly stop there. The reason CBD is non-psychoactive is that it has a different chemical structure than THC. CBD’s chemical structure may lead to physical changes in the body (along with some potential natural mental effects), but none marked enough to warrant a traditional “psychoactive” definition.

CBD Oil Effects

Once we know that CBD oil is non-intoxicating, we can get excited about what CBD does in the body. Re-asking the question “Is CBD psychoactive?” from a perspective that rules out intoxication, hallucination, or markedly imbalanced emotional states can have some exciting answers. Let’s focus on the question, How does CBD oil make you feel?

CBD oil does not give you the same euphoric feelings marijuana users experience from smoking, vaping, or ingesting marijuana that contains high levels of THC. 

Full spectrum CBD oil from hemp contains only negligible levels of THC, far too little to cause euphoric, intoxicated feelings, even with frequent use.  

There are many people who ingest or take CBD oil who claim to feel a heightened sense of relaxation after taking their daily CBD oil serving. “A soothing calmness,” notes one anonymous online reviewer. Others refer to it as a “light” feeling. This relaxation is sometimes mistaken for feeling intoxicated, but it does not cause any impairment of abilities like marijuana can. 

So while both THC and CBD are psychoactive in that they interact with receptors in the brain, CBD is non-intoxicating and THC is intoxicating in their effects. 

You can learn more about the biological reasons that THC is intoxicating and CBD is not in our article about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the role it plays in using CBD oil.

Terpenes and the Entourage Effect

Terpenes are natural compounds found in everyday foods and seasonings, various plants, and of course, cannabis. The aroma that plants, food, and fruits have these aromas are because of their terpene content. Those same aromatic compounds are found in cannabis plants like hemp. 

Full-spectrum CBD oil products like our RSHO® Blue Label contain natural terpenes from the hemp plant inside of the oil. There are many reported benefits of individual terpenes that a quick search brings, and one theory even speculates that these compounds work together with the many cannabinoids present in full-spectrum CBD oil in what is called the entourage effect.

Interacting with Cannabinoid Receptors

The endocannabinoid system is a ‘lock and key’ system. These lock and keys, when paired, are the basis for your body’s self-regulatory system. Just like your receptors that interact with your hormones and endorphins, cannabinoids interact with their unique cannabinoid receptors. These cannabinoids work together with terpenes to help balance your body and keep it working at its peak.

There are two major cannabinoid receptors found in the human body. CB1 receptors are most prevalent in the central nervous system. CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system

Does CBD Alter Mood?

Similar to the question “Is CBD psychoactive?” the question “Does CBD alter your mood?” does not have an entirely clear-cut answer. While ingesting CBD can positively influence the body’s endocannabinoid system and thus naturally encourage the body overall, the impact that these benefits have on mood is difficult to quantify. Many CBD consumers report improved moods after consistently ingesting CBD for days or weeks. Some even report immediate changes. Others report positive physical changes that, in turn, help their moods.

In short, the answer appears to be that CBD can naturally have a beneficial impact on mood through its support of the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Every Body Is Different

Your endocannabinoid system is not the same as anyone else’s. Everyone’s individual body and the way they interact with the endocannabinoid system is different. This is important to consider when deciding to use CBD oil.

Why? Throughout the day, your individual ECS balance shifts and adjusts in tune with the rest of your body to adjust to internal and external influences that disrupt your homeostasis. 

A receptor-based system means there is first a signal, then a molecular series of events as your body processes the change. Depending on your individual body chemistry and existing endocannabinoid levels, CBD oil may affect you differently. This is why it’s important to keep a journal of your schedule and CBD oil intake. You know your body best. When taking CBD oil, listen to it, and find the best fit for your daily life.

CBD oil effects

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil or hemp CBD oil is a natural botanical concentrate that is extracted from hemp plants. A specialized extraction process is used to yield highly concentrated CBD oil that also contains the same highly nutritious material that exists in the living hemp plant, such as omega-3 fatty acids, terpenes, vitamins, chlorophyll, amino acids, and more.

CBD oil is becoming wildly popular to naturally promote health. Over the years, great advances in hemp CBD oil product development have led to what are now dozens of different types of hemp CBD oil products, including capsules, tinctures and liquid, edibles, CBD concentrates, and more. Concentrated hemp CBD oil can also be infused into skin and body care products and used topically.


As mentioned above, both CBD and THC are cannabinoids — more specifically, since they are plant-based, they are phytocannabinoids. Even though both THC and CBD are cannabinoids, they interact with and affect the body in different ways, leading to different effects. while CBD is not psychoactive, THC  and its main source “Marijuana”  are a completely different story.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

It’s important to understand that hemp and marijuana are both members of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa L. However, the two plants are unique in their chemical makeup, resulting in their being used for very different purposes. 

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a cannabis plant that is harvested commercially for its seeds and stalks, which are used to produce a number of products, including food, body care products, paper, textiles, building materials, plastic composites, and even biofuels.

will CBD oil get me high

In the United States, hemp is defined as specially-bred cannabis that contains no more 0.3% THC content on a dry weight basis per FDA regulations established via the 2018 Farm Bill. At 0.3% THC content, hemp is not even one-thirtieth as potent as the least potent marijuana strains. When consumed in responsible amounts, it will not cause intoxication or impairment. 

What is Marijuana?

Though marijuana is also a cannabis sativa plant, it is not the same as hemp. Marijuana is a variety of cannabis that is high in THC content. Marijuana flowers have the highest THC concentrations of all parts of the cannabis sativa plant, which is why they are harvested for THC. When ingested, marijuana induces psychoactive effects in humans.

THC is psychoactive

Through selective breeding, varieties or strains of marijuana can contain THC concentrations that range from 10% to up to 30%. Marijuana is naturally lower in CBD than THC. Since it contains high levels of THC, use and possession of marijuana, whether for recreational or medical reasons, remains federally illegal in the U.S., although states have passed legislation legalizing marijuana for medical and/or recreational use.

How to Get CBD Oil

Now that the question “Is CBD Psychoactive?” has been answered. It’s clear why hemp CBD oil products derived from hemp are federally legal to purchase in the U.S. and available for import in over 40 countries worldwide.

There are a variety of hemp oil products currently on the market naturally abundant in CBD, including several organic hemp oil concentrates, capsules, tinctures, lotions, salves, shampoos, and conditioners. Explore our online CBD shop to find the perfect hemp CBD oil product for you! Want to learn more about the benefits of CBD oil? Visit our CBD education page now.

Interested in bringing CBD to clients of your own? You can also sign up for a HempMeds® wholesale account or buy our bulk hemp CBD oil to formulate your own products. Visit our CBD for Business page to learn more.